Oral sedation FAQ | We Care Dental Care (2024)

Do I need a referral for Oral Conscious sedation?

Patients do not have to have a referral for oral conscious sedation at We Care Dental Care. Just give us a call at 540-427-7274 to make an appointment.

Is oral conscious sedation expensive?

Oral conscious sedation will cost more than laughing gas but be far less expensive than general anesthesia in a hospital setting. Patients are often referred to my office because other offices attempted laughing gas, which was not sufficient. This makes oral conscious sedation the most cost-effective way to get the treatment done.

Do I need to go to the hospital for Oral conscious sedation?

No, you do not. We can do this type of treatment in the office.

Does insurance pay for oral conscious sedation?

I have seen a handful of insurance companies pay for a portion of the sedation in my experience. We always submit it to insurance just in case, but we don’t expect insurance to pay. You may hear from your insurance company that “sedation” is covered, but the insurance company usually means general anesthesia in a hospital when they state this. The copay for general anesthesia is often more than the full fee for oral sedation.

Do you provide any financing options?

At We Care Dental Care, we work with Care Credit to provide financing options. This can include 12 months interest-free. We can provide you information for Care Credit to see what you may qualify for.

Can everything be done in one sedation appointment?

Typically yes. When doing this kind of sedation, there are two major limiting factors. The first will be based on the patient’s weight. This will determine the amount of local anesthetic used. For very young and very small children, the amount of local anesthetic I can give may be limited. Time is the second factor. The drugs I used give about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes of working time when the patient will be the most relaxed. If the patient needs a considerable amount of treatment and I can not complete it in an hour, the sedation may be slit into multiple appointments.

If the sedation is split into multiple appointments, what will you take care of first?

I always like to prioritize what is giving the patient pain. I will prioritize the work from most to least important and take care of the most critical items on the first sedation.

How many times have you done this type of sedation?

I have done over 1,300 cases.

How are the drugs given?

The drugs are administered in small syringes and dispensed by the doctor in the office. The sedation drugs are in liquid form, not a pill. A prescription is written for each patient, and all the medication I use comes from a local compound pharmacy.

Is there any other medication given during the sedation?

Your child will also be given nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. This is administered through a rubber nasal hood that sits in front of your child’s nose.

How long before the drug start to take effect?

Around 45 minutes.

Does my child still need to get a “shot”?

The sedation drug is primarily to help with anxiety. To make sure the patient is not in any pain during treatment, a local anesthetic or a “shot” will need to be given. Often, because the patient is so relaxed, they do not notice when we numb them.

How long does this type of sedation appointment take?

I typically block off from 8:00 am to 10:30 am for my sedations in my office. This allows for medication to be given, the medicine to take effect, treatment to be completed, and additional time for notes and clean up. No other patients are scheduled during this time. Dr. Burkitt believes very strongly in only having one patient in the office during sedation so that all of his focus can be on that one patient.

Will my child be able to eat before their appointment?

Your child will not able able to eat or drink after midnight the night before.

How do I know my child a good candidate for oral conscious sedation?

Dr. Burkitt will need to do a consultation to evaluate your child’s medical history, dental needs, and airways. If he determines that sedation is not a good option, he will discuss other alternatives that might be better for your child’s specific needs.

What happens after the sedation appointment?

Immediately after the appointment, Dr. Burkitt will speak with the patients to review everything that was done and any specific after-treatment recommendations. Dr. Burkitt also makes sure to call all his sedation patients in the afternoon to check on them.

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Oral sedation FAQ | We Care Dental Care (2024)


What to expect during oral sedation dentistry? ›

During the Procedure

Sedation can affect each person differently, but most people feel drowsy or relaxed throughout their procedure. Negative feelings, such as anxiety and stress, fade away after sedation takes effect. You may feel a tingling sensation in your arms, legs, hands, and feet when under oral sedation.

Why doesn t dental insurance cover sedation? ›

In some areas of the country, and depending on the type of dental treatment being administered, the cost of sedation may equal or exceed the cost of the overall treatment itself. Thus, insurance companies argue that covering sedation dentistry would necessitate higher premiums.

What should you not do before oral sedation? ›

This means you can't eat anything, and you should only be drinking clear liquids like water. You should also avoid alcoholic drinks for at least 24 hours. However, there are many different types of sedative medications, so these instructions can vary somewhat.

Are you awake during oral sedation? ›

Oral sedation.

The pill will make you drowsy, although you'll still be awake.

Do you feel pain with oral sedation dentistry? ›

There is no sense experiencing the pain of any sort when the patient can remain completely comfortable throughout the entirety of the treatment with oral sedation dentistry.

What dental procedure requires sedation? ›

These situations may include dental implants, extractions, root canals, and other types of oral surgery that require sedation to manage pain.

Can you choose to be sedated at the dentist? ›

Fortunately, various sedation and anesthesia options are available to help make your dental visit and treatment more comfortable. From anesthetics that only numb the treatment area to others that help you sleep during your procedure, you've got options!

What is the safest sedation for dental work? ›

Laughing gas (also known as nitrous oxide) is safe for children and adults. This is because you are aware and awake during the procedure. If you have a dental phobia, your dentist may recommend laughing gas to help you relax in the chair. We'll gently place a mask over your nose and tell you to breathe deep.

How long does it take to wake up from oral sedation? ›

The effects of oral sedation can take anywhere from two to eight hours to wear off, depending on the drug. Some drugs that dentists use for oral sedation cause amnesia as well. Patients who undergo this type of sedation dentistry will need a ride home.

What does oral sedation feel like? ›

You will feel drowsy yet remain fully conscious during your treatment. While there are patients who fall asleep, they can be easily awakened with a gentle shake. Oral sedation erases any feeling of pain and anxiety while it allows you to be responsive to the doctor's instructions.

Do you have to fast with oral sedation? ›

Your dentist might recommend oral sedatives, typically in pill form, around an hour before your procedure. You'll be awake for the appointment but feel drowsy, and the effects can last for up to eight hours. Refrain from eating for at least six hours before the dental visit.

Are you loopy after oral sedation? ›

Because you'll be loopy after being put to sleep, arrange for a spouse, family member, or friend to pick you up and drop you back at home. It's best not to drive a vehicle or operate any heavy machinery for up to 24 hours after any sort of dental sedation, just to be on the safe side.

What are the rules after sedation? ›

You must not go out alone, drive a car, ride a bicycle, operate machinery or domestic appliances. You must not make any important decisions; make expensive purchases, use credit cards, social media or sign legal documents. Make sure you continue to take your usual medication as normal.

What are the restrictions after sedation? ›

Arrange to have the entire day off work, and limit your activity for the rest of the day. Do not drive a motor vehicle, operate any machinery (such as kitchen appliances, lawn mower, power tools, etc.), or drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours after anesthesia. Do not make important decisions or sign legal documents.

How long does dental oral sedation last? ›

The effects of oral sedation can take anywhere from two to eight hours to wear off, depending on the drug. Some drugs that dentists use for oral sedation cause amnesia as well. Patients who undergo this type of sedation dentistry will need a ride home.

How long does oral sedation take? ›

Oral Sedatives

It is taken by mouth or through the nose. This type of medicine will make your child a little drowsy, and will keep him or her relaxed and calm during the procedure. The medicine usually begins to work within 20 minutes.

What is the recovery time for oral sedation? ›

Recovery and Outlook

In general, people who have nitrous oxide recover within 15 to 30 minutes and can drive themselves home following their appointment. Those who choose oral conscious sedation or IV sedation typically need about 24 hours for full recovery.

What does oral conscious sedation feel like? ›

You will feel drowsy yet remain fully conscious during your treatment. While there are patients who fall asleep, they can be easily awakened with a gentle shake. Oral sedation erases any feeling of pain and anxiety while it allows you to be responsive to the doctor's instructions.


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