allplants | Is Garlic Bread Vegan? (2024)

by Fabian Jackson

2min read

A crispy pasta bake and garlic bread is reserved for the evenings that need double-carbing (the superior and edible version of double-screening). This is a restorative and deeply satisfying combination, but is garlic bread vegan?

Well, the answer is yes, yes and (nearly always) yes!

Garlic bread is usually vegan-friendly for a few reasons: firstly the bread generally used is a baguette which is made from a ‘lean dough’ that doesn’t require any fat, like butter. It stems from the traditional Italian dish, bruschetta and developed in the United States amongst Italian-American families.

allplants | Is Garlic Bread Vegan? (1)

Secondly, the irresistibly-moreish garlic sauce is traditionally made from oil and garlic – again, plant-based staples. Occasionally butter will be used here instead of oil, so it’s always worth your time to check the label to be sure.

Let us know your next vegan question in the comments section below.

By Fabian Jackson

allplants | Is Garlic Bread Vegan? (2)

Fabian is one of our lovely Content Marketing Assistants who loves writing almost as much as he loves coffee, old episodes of Escape to the Country (no judgement here), and cooking up a storm in his kitchen.

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allplants | Is Garlic Bread Vegan? (2024)


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